![BT logo w boys](https://greenecountynewsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/BT-logo-w-boys-249x300.jpg)
The logo was designed by Michael Hack (left) and Garrett Swain (right), students at Greene County High School. They were students of art instructor Sarah Stott in her advanced graphic design class this past trimester.
The bell tower banners share hanging rods with banners noting the 100th anniversary of the courthouse in 2017.
The Greene County Historical Society kicked off the golden anniversary celebration last Sunday with as program at the museum. Special guests were Floyd and Dora Mahanay, aka Don and Bonnie Orris.
The gala celebration is slated for Sunday, Oct. 16. At the celebration, Bell Tower Community Foundation president Carole Custer hopes to announce the time table for completing the 4-octave carillon atop the tower. That dream will finally become reality, with the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Vision Iowa board approving a community attraction and tourism (CAT) grant of nearly $88,000 last Wednesday.