Sarah Borgeson, RN, joined the ranks of DAISY Award recipients at Greene County Medical Center.
The fifth DAISY Award presentation was made Wednesday morning. Borgeson was selected from among seven nominees for the award which recognizes exceptional patient care. More than 1,700 medical facilities worldwide honor nurses with the DAISY Award.
Becky Wolf served as emcee for the program. Medical center CEO Carl Behne noted that this week is National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week, and “a great time to thank and recognize you. I thank and applaud each and every one of you,” he said.
Karen Jones, told stories of her 30 years as a LifeFlight nurse. She has been honored as one of Iowa’s 100 Great Nurses and received the UnityPoint Make a Difference Award. She is also an Oprah Winfrey “Favorite Things” winner for her efforts against text messaging while driving.
There were a total of nine nominations for the seven nurses. Among the nominees were Brenda Luther, Tammy Spaulding, Kelsey Stumbo, Victoria McCool, Karen Carman and Jill Juergensen, along with Borgeson. All nominations are blinded before the recipient is selected by a committee.
Borgeson was nominated by Wolf, public health director at the medical center. Wolf wrote that Borgeson has embraced the roles of being a support network, health advocate and “even a family” for the clients she sees as a public health nurse doing home visits.
Wolf wrote of a particular client whose condition was steadily declining. When he experienced a life-threatening crisis, Borgeson accompanied him to the medical center, repeatedly advocated on his behalf, and collaborated with his guardian to ensure he could access the level of care he needed. “Sarah’s caring heart continues as she still regularly visits the client in his new ‘home.’ Respect. Compassion. Kindness. Advocacy. These are words that describe an extraordinary nurse: Sarah Borgeson,” Wolf wrote.
Previous recipients are Jenny Taylor, Laine Custer, Lori Harrah and Desiree Monaghan.