Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson at
April 25, 2016
The Rippey public library board of trustees will host an open house for Katrina Buttler, new librarian, Wednesday, April 27, from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to meet and greet Katrina.
Rippey public library: Librarian, Katrina Buttler; phone: 515.436.7714; website:; E-mail:
HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 2-6 pm; Wednesday 3-6 pm; Thursday 2-7 pm; Friday 3-6 pm.
Get ready for Mother’s Day at the Rippey public library. Come in during library hours the week of May 2-6 and make special Mother’s Day cards for all the moms in your life.
Rippey United Methodist Church: PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow. Phone: 515-436-7731
Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am. Worship service at 11 am. Every Tuesday: quilters 9 am, coffee and fellowship 10 am – everyone welcome.
Sunday, May 1 – Confirmation Sunday. The sermon will be the credos given by the confirmands. 5 pm – SPLASH middle school youth at Grand Junction; 6:30 pm – THUG high school youth at Rippey.
Thursday, May 5 – 9:30 am, Rippey Ladies Aid Guest Day. This year’s theme will be a tribute to mothers.
Team Velda’s Varietes well represented at Relay for Life: Team Velda’s Varieties was well represented at the Relay for Life Event on April 23. 2016 to fight Cancer at the Greene County Community Center in Jefferson. Some participated in the “Color Out Cancer” Walk/Run. They gathered at the team table decorated with purple and yellow streamers.
Team members are (front, from left) Jean Borgeson, Zelda DeMoss, Lori DeMoss, Nancy Hanaman and Connie Neese; and (back, from left) Kris Brend, Karli DeMoss, Beth DeMoss, Sue Sherlock, Mary Weaver, and Shannon and Marc DeMoss. Not pictured are Janice Johnston, Rick and Mary Liebich, Shawn DeMoss and Dale Hanaman.

Those present enjoyed the entertainment, silent auction and lunch that was served. Thanks to all who have donated to Team Velda’s Varieties to honor Velda DeMoss’ memory and to support the fight against cancer. ~submitted by team captain Nancy Hanaman.
Election of officers for Rippey Lions Club: At the recent meeting of the Rippey Lions Club officers were elected for the 2016-17 year – president Randy Vodenik, first vice president Nancy Hanaman, second vice president Pastor Paul Burrow, third vice president Rick Liebich, treasurer Dale Hanaman, secretary Chris Roberts, Tail Twister Rachel Sacco, Lion Tamer Maralynn Rinker, and director Myron Rinker. A special thank you was given to Dick Bardole, who served as president this year, and also to the other officers. The meal was prepared and served by Toni Roberts and Lori Bardole.
During the business meeting, the group decided to donate through the Lions Club International Foundation for earthquake relief in Ecuador and Japan. They also donated to Janice Johnston’s project to obtain piano keyboards for the Rippey library. Janice provides free lessons to several children, using the piano donated by Carson Griffith’s family, which is located in the Rippey library/community center. The key boards will provide access for the children to practice on during library hours, when the community room is locked.
Ora Stevens, president of the Greene County Chamber of Commerce, presented the program. He noted that an important of the Chamber’s work under his direction was to contact local businesses and organizations throughout the Greene County and to encourage businesses, groups and individuals to join the group and become active participants. Upcoming events include the annual “Spring Into Greene” event April 30 and the Bell Town Festival in June.
The next Lions Club meeting will be May 5 with a potluck meal.
National History Day: Nancy Hanaman will be one of the judges for the National History Day State Contest in Des Moines on Monday. The theme for 2016 is “Exploration, Encounter and Exchange in History.” The winners in this contest move on the national competition.
Phil and Toni Roberts had lunch at Hotel Pattee in Perry on Wednesday, April 20, with friends Jerry and Vicki Bender of Carroll and Rich and Teddy Sayles of Waukee. The men were all in National Guard together. They all enjoyed visiting and plan to meet next time in Jefferson.
On Saturday, April 23, Phil and Toni were “out and about” again for a birthday party for their granddaughter Lily Burkett at Chuck-E Cheese in West Des Moines. Mick and Connie Burkett of Grand Junction also attended. The two couples enjoyed watching Lily and her friends having a good time with games, rides and special appearance of Chucky himself but were ready to head home for some quiet time when the party was over!
100th birthday celebration for Grand Junction library: Several from Rippey attended the 100th anniversary celebration of the Grand Junction public library on Sunday afternoon, April 24, 2016. There were many displays of the history of the library and great entertainment from students of the speech department of Greene County School, who performed their contest pieces. It was an enjoyable afternoon visiting with our longtime friends from the north, who are very proud of their library, as they very well should be! Rippey’s new librarian, Katrina Buttler, attended, as well as Myron and Maralynn Rinker, Jack and Betty Lint, Mary Weaver, Nancy Hanaman and Jean Borgeson.