Beta Tau Delta donates to Greene Co Schools

Emily Gannon, Joan Lang
Emily Gannon, Joan Lang

A $1,000 contribution was presented to the Greene County Community School District by Beta Tau Delta. Joan Lang (right) presented the check on behalf of the organization to Emily Gannon, Safe Schools coordinator for the school district.

“Some of the money will be used to purchase head lice kits to be sent home with students whose families would struggle to purchase them on their own,” stated Gannon. “Another portion of the money has been earmarked for an after prom party prize. The balance will be used for student needs – primarily for at-risk students – as those needs arise.”

Beta Tau Delta has been providing support for community youth for more than 90 years. Through fundraisers like the Virtual Charity Ball in December, Beta Tau Delta is able to respond to requests for projects, activities, and programs that benefit children throughout the county.

Financial requests are often for critical or immediate needs that the organization is able to respond to quickly and confidentially. Medical assistance, at-risk children’s needs, clothing, various sports and music programs, scholarships, and a variety of other youth programs and projects have received funding assistance from the organization.

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