Low cost spay/neuter clinics set for February

(Edited Jan. 27 with different dates) Animal Protection and Education (APE) charity is marking Spay Day 2016 with a pair of low cost spay and neuter clinics for cats. Clinics will be held Mondays, Feb.15 and Feb. 29, in Grand Junction. Cats will be spayed/neutered by a licensed DVM, microchipped and treated for fleas, earmites, roundworms and hookworms. The spay package…

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Weather data, week ending Jan. 22

The good news for the week ending Jan. 22 is that Jefferson residents didn’t need to mow their lawns or swat mosquitos. The bad news is that it was just plain cold. High temperature for the week was 22 degrees and the low was -11 degrees according to volunteer weather observer John Beltz. Jefferson received just .03 inch of precipitation…

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