Relocating offices at the courthouse considered

The offices of the Greene County magistrate and assessors may trade places after discussion by the county’s department heads.

Both offices are on the first floor off the east assembly room in the courthouse, with the magistrate’s office and hearing room off the narrower hallway near the elevator, and the assessor immediately off the assembly room.

The change would relieve congestion outside the magistrate’s office and provide better security for both offices. The only cost will be building a counter for customer service in the new assessor’s office. “You can’t put a price tag on security,” board chair John Muir said in discussing the proposed move at Monday’s board meeting.

Assessor Linda Spearman proposed the change to put her office away from the main flow of traffic. The supervisors discussed a possible disadvantage in that there is generally staff in the assessor’s office near the customer service window who can answer questions and provide directions to courthouse visitors. With the magistrate occupying that space, the window will be unattended much of the time.


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