In the neighborhood

RippeyPlease send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Dec. 7, 2015

Friends of Rippey dedicates gift of Carson’s piano

Friends of Rippey welcomed an appreciative crowd at the annual Calendar Day Breakfast that coincides with the calendar day appreciation held at the two banks each year. By the well-filled plates of breakfast casserole, fruit, and cinnamon rolls, it appeared everyone was enjoying the food and visiting with friends, some who hadn’t seen each other for a while.

The room was decorated by Rippey’s own Christmas elf, Maralynn Rinker, adding a festive feel to the morning.

Rippey, Carson's pianoA special happening during the morning for the Friends of Rippey was the honor of accepting from Betty Lint the personal piano of her late husband, Carson Griffith, for the Rippey Community Room.  What a wonderful gift for the Rippey musicians!!

Pictured are Dale Hanaman, Betty Lint and Midge Vannatta at Carson’s piano.

The dedication plaque reads: Carson Griffith, June 10, 1935 – November 28, 2013 | His personal piano given by his wife and daughters to the friends of Rippey November 28, 2015 | Musician extraordinaire, music teacher, entertainer | Shared many talents and gifts | Left a long legacy

Rippey Midge VannattaMidge Vannatta provided Christmas music during the morning, with impromptu sing-a-longs every so often. There’s just something uplifting about a group singing their favorite carols. She is pictured with her granddaughter Jen and great-grandson Weston.

Rippey Santa and MrsRippey fire chief Pete Johnson delivered Santa and Mrs Claus (aka Kevin and Mary Ann Hick) in the fire truck. They listened to the children and handed out treats provided by the Rippey Lions Club.

There was a table set up for the kids to make a Christmas ornament to take home, with Toni Roberts and Marilyn Stagg helping with this project.

Riley Ovenshire, who was visiting his grandmother Connie Neese, drew out the names for the winners of the variety packs of meat put together by Fareway in Perry and donated by the Peoples Trust & Savings Bank and David and Carol John.  The winners were Jack Teagarden of Grand Junction, Milton Grotse and David Wells, of Rippey.

The Friends of Rippey sends a thank you to those who came to help make it a great morning and wish all our friends a happy and healthy holiday season.

Rippey public library: Librarian Andrea Williams. Phone: 515.436.7714; Website:; E-mail:

HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 1:40-5:30 pm; Wednesday 3 to 8 pm; Thursday 12-6 pm.

REMINDER: When Greene County Schools close because of the weather, so does the Rippey public library.

December coloring contest is underway.

The book sale will continue until the end of December.

Wednesday, Dec. 9: IPTV will unveil a new Library Corner at the Rippey public library at 4:15 pm. The public is invited to attend.

Monday, Dec. 21: Craft time. Also library board meeting. (Note change of day – too many board members traveling for the holidays.)

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am. Worship service at 11 am. Every Tuesday: quilters 9 am, coffee and fellowship 10 am – everyone welcome.

Wednesday, Dec. 9: 6 pm – confirmation class at Rippey; 7 pm – Rippey choir practice.

Sunday, Dec. 13: Church Christmas program during worship. 5 pm – SPLASH middle school youth at Grand Junction; 6:30 pm – THUG high school youth at Rippey.

Thursday, Dec. 24: 8 pm Christmas Eve service at Rippey United Methodist Church.

Rippey Lions Club Dec. 3 meeting recap: The Rippey Lions Club met for its Christmas potluck on Dec. 3 with a delicious meal shared by members and guests.

Upcoming events include serving roast beef sundaes for the BRR ride on the first Saturday in February, a spaghetti supper on March 19 and the annual banquet, this year for fathers and sons, on April 2. Dick Bardole is in charge of this event. The next regular meeting is on Thursday, Jan. 7, with Nancy Burrow the coordinator for the potluck meal. Phil Roberts will provide the program. Following the business meeting, Midge Vannatta accompanied the group for a sing-a-long of familiar tunes and Christmas carols and led group in a version of “Name that Tune.”

News in and around Rippey: Thanksgiving dinner was celebrated Thursday in the home of Virgene Morse with her family.  Attending were Diane and Terry Ostendorf, Ben, Michaela, and Madelyln of Madrid as well as Kevin and Delores Blanshan of Waterloo and Kelsey Blanshan of Ankeny.  Regrets were sent by Eric Blanshan of Littleton, CO.  Good food and fun made the day special for all and everyone was happy the weather cooperated!

Friday afternoon guests in the home of Virgene Morse were her nephew Mickey Cannon and his wife Patti of Texas who were visiting his family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Joining them was Mickey’s mother Donna Olson of Perry.  They spent the afternoon catching up on the family happenings since their last visit.

Birthday party: Nancy and Dale Hanaman joined a large group of family and friends in Des Moines to celebrate the birthday of John Bardole, who was 75 on Dec. 7. The event was hosted by his wife Dena.  Other family members who were able to join in the event were  Shelley and  Randy Prati of Urbandale;  Spencer Prati of San Diego, CA; Tess and Mark Isaacson of  Ankeny; Lindsey and Rich Bywaterof Des Moines; and Kirk Bardole of Miami Beach, FL. Two of John’s Rippey High School classmates were present- Lynn Wilson of Stillwater, MN, and Larry Munson of Des Moines.

Some of Connie Neese’s family gathered at her home for a holiday meal. Those attending were Kate and Rob Doerhoff, Jason, Denise, Leland, Declan, and Stacy Doerhoff of Ankeny; Alan, Kate, Emily, Josh, Molly and friend, and Max Neese of Grand Junction; David, Barbara, Bailey, home from Dubuque U, Riley, home from ISU, and friend from UNI, Keagan and Delaney Ovenshire, of Palo; Kyle and Brock Grubbs and friends from Des Moines and Perry. They all enjoyed good food and great fellowship. There were calls from other family members unable to attend.

Alan and Sarah Borgeson, Kane and Kale hosted a pre-Christmas supper in their home on Sunday, Dec. 6. A simple supper of pizza and desserts provided a no-stress meal.  Each year, as the grandsons get older, the conversations become more entertaining and amusing and it’s fun to witness the interaction of the younger kids with their parents and uncles. Those attending were Michael and Jill Borgeson, Jace and Seth; Robert Borgeson, and Jean Borgeson.

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