Jersey auction goes silent, coronation is Friday afternoon
High school homecoming will have a different look this year, with the activities that draw community members at different times and places.
Students at Greene County and Paton-Churdan will celebrate homecoming next week, Oct. 4-9. The Rams will play the Perry Blue Jays for the homecoming football game, and the theme for the week’s activities is “Rounding Up the Cowbell.”

Students are incorporating the Healthiest State Walk Wednesday, Oct. 7, into their homecoming plans. At Greene County HS, classes will be encourage to walk during their fifth period, and the dress-up theme for the day is Eighties Fitness. At Paton-Churdan, students will join the community walk, meeting at the school at 8:45 with the walk at 9 am. P-C students will also use a fitness theme in their dress-up day.
The Greene County student council has planned a new event, a community bonfire and pep rally Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 8 pm at the Greene County Fairgrounds. All are welcome. Along with cheers, an introduction of players and talks by the coaches, there will be a Smash the Car fundraiser.
Because the Rams are hosting North Polk for volleyball Thursday, the jersey auction will be a silent auction in the hallway outside the middle school gym before and during the volleyball game.
Paton-Churdan is crowning its king and queen this Sunday, Oct. 4, at 6:30 pm at the school.

The Greene County coronation has been moved to Friday afternoon. Students will hold a pep rally at Linduska Field after lunch, and then start the homecoming parade at the high school at 2 pm. The parade will travel north on Chestnut St and end at the courthouse plaza for an outdoor coronation. Coronation is expected to last about 20 minutes. If it rains Friday afternoon, coronation will take place at 7 pm on the track at the football field.
The high school grounds will be the scene of a tailgate party and games, including a dunk tank, from 4 to 7 pm. The freshman football game will start at 4:45 with the varsity game at 7:30.
Students are replacing a homecoming dance with a “stand around” in the high school parking lot after the game until 11:30 pm.