Hardin Happy Hustlers
The Hardin Happy Hustlers 4-H club met at the Greene County Extension office Sept. 13. The meeting began with a fun game of life-size Jenga. We then held our annual election of officers. The 2015-16 Hardin Happy Hustlers officers are president Jared Marshall, vice president Lucas Fisher, secretary Ben Bravard, treasurer Nick Killion, and activity director Izzy Bravard.
Members were reminded that 4-H records books are due at the Extension office on Sept. 15. The club signed thank-you notes to Rueter’s Red Power, Heartland Coop of Rippey, Greene County Enviromental Habitat Corp., and Hawn Family Farms for the contribution to the re-enrollment fees. A thank you was also sent to NEW Coop Inc. for its donation to the Greene County 4-H clubs.
We discussed our annual “Feed the Farmers Fundraiser” that is held at West Central Coop during the harvest season. A club leader will visit with a representative at West Central Coop to determine a date in October. The club agreed that this was a fun, service- learning opportunity and a great way to volunteer and say thanks to all the farmers.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 pm. Our club did its annual fall ditch pick up along Highway 4 and then went to Dairy Queen for treats. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 4, at 2 pm at the Extension office.

Pictured ready to pick up litter are (front, from left) Zachary Burbank, Izzy Bravard, Jared Marshall, Carson Cerveny and Ben Bravard; and (back, from left) Lucas Fisher and Nickolas Killion.