Benefit slated for Meinecke grandson Mark Johnston

A special benefit is planned for Sunday, Sept 20, from 11 am to 2 pm at the Panorama High School for Mark Johnston, Panorama middle school/high school principal who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last December. Johnston is the son of Denny and Nancy (Meiecke) and the grandson of the late George and Roberta Meinecke.

Highlights of the event include freewill donation lunch, silent auction and live entertainment by Sheltered Reality. All the proceeds will assist with the mounting costs of medical care, transportation and other expenses. Mark and his wife Danielle travel to Chicago for treatments every three weeks and stay there three days.

The benefit is a community-wide event spearheaded by the Johnstons’ neighbor, Dave Grove.

To read the full story by Lora Koch, shared by The Scranton Journal, click here: Johnston benefit


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