Subjects of historic plaques on tour next Sunday

Pillar E. Leonard 2

Ziegfeld Girl Eva Leonard
Ziegfeld Girl Eva Leonard

Eva Leonard and Albert Head are among the Greene County “champions” featured on historic plaques around the courthouse square, and they’ll be portrayed in the first Historical Plaque Walk next Sunday, Sept. 20, beginning at 2 pm.

Jefferson Matters: Main Street and the Greene County Historical Society are partnering for the event.  Local actors will bring to 10 persons or events featured on the plaques around the square, and Floyd and Dora Mahanay will be at the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower.

Capt Albert Head
Capt Albert Head

Pillar A. HeadThe tours will begin and end at the Historical Society’s museum at 219 E. Lincoln Way in Jefferson. A free donation will be accepted, with proceeds going toward the purchase of another plaque.


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