Nominations open for school board positions

Nomination papers are now available for the Sept. 8 school board election. Jane Heun, Greene County Auditor, oversees the election of directors from Greene County and Paton-Churdan Community School Districts.

Paton-Churdan will elect two directors to four-year terms and one to fill a vacancy of two years. The terms of Steve Burrell of Paton and Troy Paup of Churdan expire in September. Jennifer Maach was appointed to fill a vacancy when Libby Towers resigned. (Towers was appointed to fill a seat to which Greg Carey was elected in 2013). The person elected to that seat will serve the remainder of the term (expiration in 2017).

In the Greene County district, the terms of Jeff Lamoureux of Jefferson and Ashley Johnston of Grand Junction expire. Voters will also vote on a $20 million bond issue for construction to expand the current high school to a 5-12 complex and to add on to the elementary school.

Nomination papers must be signed and returned to the school board secretary of the respective district by July 30. ~The Scranton Journal

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