Tom Wind, Junction Hilltop turbines on CBS Evening News

Tom Wind of Franklin Township, owner of Wind Utility Consulting PC and a partner in the Hardin and Junction Hilltop Wind Farms north of Highway 30, had an unexpected telephone call Wednesday morning that resulted in what he called a “fabulous experience” and a segment on the CBS Evening News on Thursday. To see the segment, click here.

Tom Wind (left) and Dean Reynolds  |CBS News photo
Tom Wind (left) and Dean Reynolds |CBS News photo

The two minute segment was reported by veteran reporter Dean Reynolds and focused on the reaction in the U.S. to Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change, which was released on Thursday. In the 183-page document, Pope Francis wrote that climate change is real, is caused by humans, and requires action by individuals and politicians. It is expected to play a key role in a United Nations Paris Climate Change Conference in November and in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.

Wind said CBS News was interested in comments from Iowans because of the role Iowa plays early in the presidential campaign. A CBS staffer called Mike Prior, executive director of the Iowa Wind Energy Association, for suggestions of possible people to interview. The staffer was looking for a Catholic who is informed on renewable energy issues. Wind met the requirements and was available on the short notice required by CBS.

Wind said the phone call came at about 10:30 Wednesday morning. He and EJ Bechard met a CBS crew from Minnesota at Bechard’s Junction Township farm, a site of one of the Junction Hilltop Wind Farm turbines, at 3 pm. The crew shot about 90 minutes of what they called “B roll,” with Wind and Bechard strolling up and down fields, Wind with the turbine, and Bechard driving his 50-year-old tractor. What ran was actually filmed on Max Johnson’s farm, however.

Reynolds and a producer arrived at about 4:30, and they spent another 90 minutes taping. Wind said they talked some about politics, although that wasn’t in the portion that was aired. Reynolds also interviewed Bechard, but that footage also didn’t air.

The content of the Pope’s encyclical had leaked on Monday and Wind was already familiar with its key points when he got the call Wednesday morning. Climate change is a voting issue for him, so important to him that he switched party affiliation from the GOP to Democrats because of what he called “a refusal by the Republicans to take a stand.”

The segment was originally scheduled to air Wednesday, but travel connections delayed it until Thursday. Reynolds also filmed in Davenport for the segment.

Wind was pleased with the segment. “They made me look smarter than I am,” he said, and added that the entire crew was very professional.

He enjoyed talking with Reynolds, whom he found to be “a nice guy, very approachable.” “If you look at all the places he’s been in the world, he’s the type of guy you’d want to sit at a bar and have a drink with,” Wind said. He and Reynolds had an easy rapport and even traded some Latin phrases from the old Latin Mass.

Dean Reynolds (right) interviews EJ Bechard  | photo by Tom Wind
Dean Reynolds (right) interviews EJ Bechard | photo by Tom Wind

He also remarked on the respect with which Reynolds talked with Bechard. “I wish they would have run some with EJ. He’s 88 years old, very innovative and very active. He’s just a great guy,” Wind said..

“Dean Reynolds was fascinating to talk with. I would have spent my whole day with him. If the segment had never aired, I would still have been totally thrilled with the day. It was a fabulous experience,” Wind said.


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