Jefferson Telecom selects children’s art for yellow pages

~by Cody Stephenson
~by Cody Stephenson

Jefferson Telecom partnered with Greene County Elementary School to facilitate the Catch-A-Sketch program again this year.  The Catch-A-Sketch program provides area third graders an opportunity to design artwork depicting Jefferson that will be displayed in the upcoming telephone directory’s yellow pages.

While presenting the project to the third graders, Jefferson Telecom also gave all students their own personal copy of the telephone directory.  Jefferson Telecom staff provided an informational session on proper phone etiquette and how to read the phone directory.

Ninety third graders participated in the Catch-A-Sketch program.  The drawings were completed during Kevin Richards’ art class.  The drawings were judged on four criteria: creativity, attention to detail, best depiction of Jefferson, and good use of space.

Catch-A-Sketch winnersThe top three students’ drawings were awarded Sierra Community Theatre gift cards.  Cody Stephenson (front, left) was awarded first prize with his detailed drawing of four popular landmarks in Jefferson.  Second prize went to Styles Truong-Harrison (front, middle). He drew the Greene County courthouse, Mahanay Bell Tower, and Abe Lincoln.  Third prize went to Alizandra Lawson (front, right) and her drawing of the Jefferson welcome sign.  The prize winners were awarded certificates at an assembly with all of the third grade students. Pictured  with them are (back, from left) art teacher Kevin Richards and Jody Schulte and Jamie Daubendiek of Jefferson Telecom.

A variety of the youngsters’ artwork will be found in the 2015-2016 Jefferson Telecom phone directory displayed throughout the yellow pages.  At this time all of the third graders artwork is displayed on the Jefferson Telecom website at  Individuals can click on “community”, and then “Catch-A-Sketch”.  All students are listed alphabetically by only first name under the specific class that they are in.

For more information on the Catch-A-Sketch program contact Jefferson Telecom at 515-386-4141.

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