Preparing kids for school, financial planning topics of Extension seminars

Two Family Learning events are scheduled for April by Greene County Extension. Both programs offer tremendous benefits for families, according to Sue Richardson, Greene County families coordinator.  

Move for Thought is a Pre-K childcare event on Tuesday, April 14, from 6 to 8 pm at the Extension office. This workshop is designed for parents, grandparents, and childcare providers of Pre-K children and teaches physical activities combined with learning skills that help children prepare for the classroom. Cost is $10 in advance, or $15 at the door. Childcare providers are encouraged to register through the Iowa DHS registry at Facilitator is Katie Knobbe, family nutrition & health specialist with ISU Extension & Outreach.

A second opportunity to sharpen your family skills is Planning to Stay Ahead on Thursday, April 16, from 6 to 8 pm, also at the Extension office. This workshop is designed for individuals and families to sharpen their financial skills and is free.

Pat Miller of Home State Bank in Jefferson will partner with Richardson to provide the training. This program will assist consumers in making spending decisions that help them reach their goals, teach how to make a spending plan, learn how to keep track of income and bills, and make informed decisions about using credit wisely.

For information on these or other Extension & Outreach programs, contact the staff at Greene County Extension at 515-386-2138 or visit the Extension webpage at

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