In the neighborhood

RippeyRippey News March 16, 2015

Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Rippey Lions Club: A wonderful potluck meal and good fellowship were enjoyed at the Rippey Lions Club on March 5. Nancy Burrow, president, led the business meeting.

Dick Bardole reported on plans for the mother-daughter banquet on April 9, beginning at 6:30 pm at the Rippey United Methodist Church. Toby the Clown will provide the entertainment and promises to be an  amusing  program for all ages. Tickets were distributed to Lions Club members and are also available at Peoples Trust & Savings Bank Bank and Rolling Hills Bank in Rippey.

Dale Hanaman shared a report on paper supplies that will be needed for serving at the BRR Ride in 2016. The group will consider continuing to be a sponsor for the event,

Thank you letters were received for donations from Camp Herkto Hollow for children with diabetes and the Leader Dog Program. The Leader Dog Program provides training for the leader dogs and those who will receive the dogs to help in their daily lives.

David Wells shared an informative program about how to prepare for weather emergencies and other possible disasters.

John Mills will lead the program on March 26. Please note the meeting date was changed in March from Mar. 19, the third Thursday, to March 26. Anyone interested in the work of the local Lions Club may contact Dale Hanaman at 515-436-7684.

Rippey public library: Librarian, Andrea Williams. Phone: 515.436.7714; Website:; E-mail:

NEW HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 1:40-5:30 pm; Wednesday 3 to 8 pm; Thursday 12-6 pm.

Greene County Reads: Copies of Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline, are available at the Rippey public library.  This book was selected by the Greene County librarians for their 2015 Greene County Reads.  All six county libraries have copies and discussions will be held Thursday, April 16 at these libraries:

  • 9 am at the Churdan public library
  • 2 pm at the Rippey public library,
  • 7 pm at the Scranton public library.

Jan Scharingson will once again lead the discussions. Everyone is welcome to attend any or all the sessions and is free to all readers.

Greene County Reads is a cooperative project of the Greene County Library Association and the Greene County board of supervisors.

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastors:  Enna Antunez and Paul Burrow. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9 am; worship service at 10:30 am. Every Tuesday: Quilters 9 am, coffee and fellowship 10 am – everyone welcome!

Every Tuesday: Quilters 9 am – Coffee and fellowship 10 am – everyone welcome.

Wednesday: choir practice at 7 pm.

March 22: Amanda Finneseth will speak on her World Race.  She went to 11 countries in 11 months.  “You won’t want to miss hearing about her amazing God-inspired experiences.”

March 29, Palm Sunday – Weather permitting we are going to have a parade in front of the church with a donkey, palms, and singing.  You won’t want to miss it!

April 2, Maundy Thursday – 7 pm at Rippey.

News in and around Rippey:  “Superior” visitors are visiting with Dale and Nancy Hanaman for the week of March 9. Steven, Elizabeth and Andrea Pearson, their grandchildren from Superior, WI, have a week of spring vacation and will spend that on “The Farm” with their grandparents. Dale travelled to the Twin Cities on Saturday to meet Sarah and Benji Pearson and the grandchildren. After sharing a meal they headed back to Iowa. Nancy was attending a United Methodist meeting to plan for activities at the Iowa annual conference meeting in Des Moines from June 6-9.

Coaches, players, fathers, and other volunteers were spotted working on the Walt Anderson Baseball Field in Rippey on Sunday, March 15. A spokesman reports there are several pre-season games scheduled before the regular season begins. A sign of spring, for sure!

Rippey news March 18

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