Weather data, week ending March 6

The 50-plus degree weather Jefferson residents enjoyed Friday afternoon wasn’t imagined. It just doesn’t appear on this week’s weather data because volunteer weather observer John Beltz provides readings for the 24 hours preceding 6 am. Unofficially, the daytime high on March 6 was 51 degrees. We’ll look forward to seeing that posted next week.

Weather data for the week ending March 6 follows:

Date High temp Low temp Precip Snowfall
Feb. 28 12 -12
Mar. 1 23 -4 Trace Trace
Mar. 2 30 11
Mar. 3 30 10
Mar. 4 33 8 0.01 Frzn driz
Mar. 5 26 -4
Mar. 6 22 -4


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