Donkey basketball coming to Paton-Churdan

What’s wilder than a rodeo and funnier than a circus? Some say it’s donkey basketball! The Paton-Churdan student council will host donkey basketball Wednesday, March 18, at 6:30 pm in the school gym. Four teams will compete in 4-on-4 basketball while riding domesticated donkeys. The donkeys will be provided Dairyland Donkey Ball LLC of Chippewa Falls, WI.

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Master Gardeners hosting program on perennials

The Master Gardeners are again bringing Greene County an outstanding guest for their annual public presentation to take place on Thursday, March 12, beginning at 7 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson. Nicole Jonas of Red Granite Farm will talk about her family’s 5-acre farm where they produce vegetables, fruits, and perennial plants. She will focus on planting perennials…

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Scranton coffee group ready to welcome all comers

The H.F. and Maude E. Marchant Memorial Library in Scranton is the scene for a lively coffee group every Saturday morning from 10 am to noon. The group is always looking for new people to join the conversation.  Consider this your invitation to attend. Pictured are some of the “regulars” – (front from left) Betty Gregory, Karl Citurs, Beverly Hoyt…

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Yes, it was a cold, snowy February

February was 10 degrees colder and much snowier than a typical February in Jefferson, according to data from volunteer weather observer John Beltz. The average high temperature for the month was 24 degrees, compared to the normal average high of 34 degrees. High temperature for February was 42 degrees on Feb. 8. That was the only day the high was in…

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Weather data, week ending March 6

The 50-plus degree weather Jefferson residents enjoyed Friday afternoon wasn’t imagined. It just doesn’t appear on this week’s weather data because volunteer weather observer John Beltz provides readings for the 24 hours preceding 6 am. Unofficially, the daytime high on March 6 was 51 degrees. We’ll look forward to seeing that posted next week. Weather data for the week ending…

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Does anyone really know what time it is?

If we’re “springing ahead” to Daylight Savings Time, it must be spring….. right? Daylight Savings Time began today at 2 am. Our local fire departments remind us that the start and end of Daylight Savings Time is a good time to check the batteries in our smoke detectors. There’s no magic connection between time changes and smoke detectors, but what…

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