Jeff firefighters plan annual dance

The Jefferson Firefighters Association is selling tickets for its annual dance, slated for Saturday, March 14, from 8 pm to midnight at Clover Hall on the Greene County Fairgrounds.

Bass Makers Mobile DJ Sound & Service will provide music.

Money raised at the dance will be used to purchase a new extrication tool, usually called Jaws of Life. Newer vehicles are made using stronger metals, causing extra challenges when emergency responders need to cut into a vehicle to get someone out. Funds will also help cover the cost of attending the state Fire School, helping keep the volunteer firefighters well-trained and safe.

The firemen are canvassing the community selling tickets and/or accepting donations. Donations can be sent to the Jefferson Firefighters Association Inc at PO Box 112, Jefferson, IA  50129, or call Robert Lawson at 515-370-4361 for information.

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