In the neighborhood

Rippey News Feb. 9, 2015

Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Picture by Mary Weaver
Picture by Mary Weaver

Another BRR ride is history.  There were plenty of tired backs and feet by days end, but the reports of all the food being sold out, made it a very successful and rewarding day for the hard-working volunteers.

Yes. Joni Ernst style boots were spotted by Mary Weaver.  It seems this rider tore her boots on the way to Rippey and made a stop at Sparky’s for plastic sacks.

Lions roar at a recent meeting: The Rippey Lions Club met recently and completed plans for the BRR Ride for serving the roast beef sundaes and other tasty treats. They also discussed the Kids Sight program and plan to work with the Grand Junction Lions Club for this program of eye testing for younger children. On Feb. 18, Maralynn and Myron Rinker will host a social time at the Rippey public library at 10 am sponsored by the Lions Club with Bingo and coffee and cookies for the community. For the program, Phil Roberts introduced Willie Lansman, who shared his songs accompanied on his guitar, and his experiences entertaining in nursing homes and other locations over many years. The next regular meeting will be on Feb. 18 with a meal at 7 pm. Guests are always welcome.


Picture by Nancy Hanaman
Picture by Nancy Hanaman

The streets of Rippey were packed with intrepid bikers from Iowa and beyond Feb. 7 for the annual Bike Ride to Rippey. This ride opens the biking season and continues in warmer weather with RAGBRAI and other adventures.


Dale Hanaman (left) and Phil Roberts ready with roast beef sundaes
Dale Hanaman (left) and Phil Roberts ready with roast beef sundaes

The Rippey Lions Club served hundreds of bikers with their famous roast beef sundaes, including potatoes mashed earlier in the morning, roast beef, gravy and a cherry tomato on top. Chili and giant bars of every variety and drinks completed the menu. Lions Club members wore “BRR Ride shirts” which included the Rippey Lions Club as one of the sponsors. Many of the bikers make the Lions site an annual stop on their route. Many also go to the youth group potato bar at the Rippey United Methodist Church complete with homemade pie.

One of the bikers had completed 32 of the BRR rides and missed only because of health reasons. She entered attired in bread sack fashion boots. Bikers wore tutus and other creative attire. The Rippey Lions Club thank Mary Weaver for her help and shared with her the first Valor Award for work above and beyond the call of duty. Shortly thereafter an asterisk was affixed to the award, but that is another story. This is great event planned by the Perry Chamber of Commerce every year on the first Saturday of February. Join us for the BRR ride in 2016. ~by Nancy Hanaman

More  news from Rippey:

Gary and Mary Weaver traveled to Sioux City on Saturday, Jan. 31, to attend basketball games for their grandchildren Nathan and Lauryn Basye.  Lauryn’s team is coached by her mother, Theresa. This is the first year Lauryn has played basketball. She has made one basket.

The second game they attended was for Nathan. He serves as the point guard, and of course the grandparents think he is excellent. He can dribble with either hand, and got several steals during the game. At that game they were joined by David, Emily and Ada Weaver.

Following the games the family went to Famous Dave’s for a BBQ lunch and then to the Basyes’ house for Lauryn’s birthday celebration. She turned 8 on Feb. 2.

Both Weaver families returned to Rippey in the snowstorm, which made for very slow, but thankfully uneventful driving.

Roy and Phyllis Bardole have made a couple trips to Wauwatosa, WI, in the last two weeks.  They left Jan. 23 to visit Jason, Allison, Levi, Kate, and Chase.  The family attended church on Jan. 25 for the baptism of Chase. They had a few friends and family in for lunch and then Roy and Phyllis left for home.  They stopped in Dubuque for the night and headed home on Monday.  They had to navigate some snowy roads but it wasn’t bad.

The 31st of January they made a quick decision to head to Wisconsin.  They needed to get ahead of the storm.  They arrived at Jason’s just before they had a blizzard with 14 inches of snow!  Allison flew out Monday, Feb. 2, for a meeting in Kansas City. Roy and Phyllis were there to take Levi and Kate to school and stay with Chase while Jason was at work.  It was a fun week!!  Allison arrived home Thursday night and Grandma and Grandpa left the next morning for home.

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastors:  Enna Antunez and Paul Burrow. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9 am; worship service at 10:30 am. Every Tuesday: Quilters 9 am, coffee and fellowship 10 am – everyone welcome!

Choir practice Wednesday at 7 pm.

Rippey public library:  Sarah Kilgore, librarian. Phone: 515-436-7714; Website: E-mail: Hours: Monday 1-6 pm, Tuesday 1:30-5:30 pm; Wednesday 3-8 pm; Thursday 10am-2pm; Note: The library will be closed Saturdays.


Wednesday, Feb 19 – Coffee ‘N’ Bingo at 10:30 am

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