Branstad to tour Power Lift

Gov Terry Branstad will be in Jefferson next Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 2 pm to tour Power Lift. Power Lift management, employees, and area economic development leaders will host the tour. Branstad makes it a point to visit every county at least once each year. The Power Lift tour is part of that effort.

“On behalf of all the employees at Power Lift, we are honored to be having Gov Branstad tour Power Lift,” said general manager Chris Conner. “It’s a proud moment for all of us at Power Lift to get to share our story and our daily operations with the governor.”

Power Lift began in 1999 with a plan to manufacture Olympic lifting platforms for athletic and sports performance facilities. Since then, the company has grown substantially and added a high quality weight equipment line.

Power Lift prides itself on being an innovator in this exclusive market. Key components to the company’s success are a precise engineering process and a stringent manufacturing process that assures high quality.

Power Lift’s expanding customer base includes colleges and universities, professional sports teams, branches of the U.S. military, high schools, and athletic performance facilities.

“Our equipment is popular for its unique design and appearance, professional and student athletic recruiting appeal, and its safe, multifunctional training capabilities,” Conner said.

Current operations include 45 employees located in Jefferson, with continued dedication to the manufacturing and sale of strength training equipment.

Power Lift also maintains an international presence in the United Kingdom and the Asian market with international distributors. The company is proud to brand its products as “Made in the USA.”

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