Still time to make donations to Adopt-a-Family

The Adopt-a-Family board is still accepting cash donations for its Christmas Food Basket program. Adopt-a-Family will on Dec. 20 distribute nearly 175 food baskets to families who otherwise would not have warm, nutritious meals for their children during the Christmas break from school. Total cost is estimated at $17,000.

This year, like other years, there are many people in Greene County who have had hardships during the year, or have continuing hardships. These hardships may be loss of jobs, injuries, or cancer or other chronic illness that require numerous trips to the physician or costly medications, making it very difficult for families on fixed incomes to pay for these expenses, let alone purchase food for the children who often rely on the school to provide a nutritious meal daily.

The Adopt-a-Family board is relying on the residents and businesses in Greene County to help raise the money needed to carry out its mission. “Please consider donating to AAF to help provide services to the needy during the holiday season and all year long,” a spokesperson said.

In addition to the Christmas Food Basket project, Adopt-a-Family has two other large projects. At the beginning of the school year AAF, with help from the community, provided school supplies to 234 children. Each October, Adopt-a-Family’s Operation Warm Hearts provides warm coats and boots for children who would otherwise not have a coat for the winter. Board members buy or collect coats throughout the year to provide to the families in need. This winter the AAF board handed out 76 coats and boots to 32 families in the county.

The Greene County Ministerial Association was instrumental in developing the Adopt-a-Family board many years ago. The Adopt-a Family board is committed to meeting the emergency or critical need of families in Greene County not only at Christmas, but year round. Pastors or others in the county refer those in need to New Opportunities Family Development Center at 1401 North Elm in Jefferson. If the workers there cannot meet the needs of the family they contact the Adopt-a-Family Board for help throughout the year.

If a family you know is struggling please call, or have the family call, Jefferson New Opportunities Family Development Center to explore opportunities available to them and if the need is there, New Opportunities will refer the family, including the number of children and the ages of the family members, to the AAF board.

Donations can be deposited directly to Peoples Trust & Savings Bank or sent to: Adopt-a-Family, PO Box 364, Jefferson IA 50129. All donations are tax deductible.

“Thank you for your continuing support. Greene County residents have been very generous and have supported AAF for many years. It is a vital organization in the community. Your donations are appreciated, and used to benefit families in Greene County throughout the year,” a spokesperson said.

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