Afterward, Santa will welcome children at the top of the Bell tower

The second annual Holiday Sparkle Community Christmas Tree lighting will be Thursday, Dec. 4, at 5:30 pm in the Greene County Courthouse. The event will feature caroling, bells, reading of the Christmas story, and Sugar Plum Fairy dancers.
The highlight of the evening will be the countdown—led by Santa himself—to light the big Christmas tree in the rotunda. The first 200 visitors to the courthouse will receive a coupon for a free decorated Christmas cookie from Homestead Bakery.
This year, Jefferson Matters: Main Street we will be joined by members of the Relay for Life committee as they present a Luminarias of Love Christmas tree in the east foyer of the courthouse. Outside the courthouse they will have luminarias to light up the night.
Thomas Jefferson Gardens is joining in the fun by decorating the gardens for the holidays, featuring an outdoor tree and luminarias. Luminarias provided by the Relay for Life will also decorate nearby sidewalks.
The BPO Does will serve a soup supper as part of the festivities. Serving will be from 4:3 to 7 pm at the Elks lodge. A free will donation will be accepted.
After the tree lighting event, kids of all ages can follow Santa and Mrs. Claus through the pathway of luminarias for a free ride to the top of the Bell Tower and a chance to share their Christmas wish lists with Santa.