Greene County HSAP group tours courthouse

Courhouse Tour 3A group of well-prepared Home School Assistance Program (HSAP) students and their parents toured the Greene County courthouse on Monday, Nov. 10. Prior to the tour they researched words like “rotunda,” “mosaic,” “mural,” and “cornucopia.” They also were asked to think about the purpose of a courthouse and what services are offered there. During the tour Don VanGilder (right) talked about these points and many more. Also pictured are (from left) Terence Bingley, Evan Woodruff (partially hidden), Trinity Hart (foreground), Jo-Ann Hart and Ti-Rone Hart.

It was decided that a few shorter members of the group would fit inside the clock near the top of the courthouse as it is five feet high instead of the two or three feet guessed by the students. The students enjoyed finding the birth certificate of a younger sibling in the vault in the recorder’s office. The group was surprised at how large the vault is and how many different types of records are stored there. The pneumatic clock, rotunda dome, and historic photos of the courthouses added interest to the tour.

The students were challenged to think about what life was like for the average citizen of Jefferson in 1917, the year the courthouse was built. The courthouse offered amenities few people had in their homes such as running water and electricity. Even a dormitory for jurors was provided so they did not have to make the long trip home during a trial. Why is there only one restroom and shower for the jurors? Only men could vote and only men served as jurors at that time.

Finishing up the tour in the courtroom was fascinating for the students. They were able to sit in the jury box or witness chair and imagine what it might look like with a judge presiding over a trial. They had the opportunity to touch the heavy, stiff protective clothing provided for the judge and officers of the court. They were also able to see the newly restored stained glass dome in the courtroom ceiling.

In addition to history and social studies lessons, the students were given one final math problem to solve: If the courthouse was finished in 1917, in what year will be the centennial be?

The Home School Assistance Program is offered by the Greene County Schools to provide support to home school families. ~submitted by Marla Orfield, HSAP coordinator

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