More than 80 parents and friends attended the annual Greene County 4-H Awards Ceremony last Sunday to celebrate the accomplishments of Greene County 4-H members, and to honor 4-H volunteers and financial sponsors. Record books submitted by 4-H members were judged by volunteers who decided on the final awards, recognizing outstanding record books and excellence in project work over the past year.
“The Awards Ceremony is the final process of the 2013-2014 4-H year,” said Sarah Jo Reynolds, county Extension youth & 4-H coordinator for Greene County Extension. “Youth have worked hard on their 4-H projects and activities throughout the year, and we always look forward to recognizing volunteers who give countless hours to the program.”
A total of 51 4-H members submitted a record book for the 2013-2014 4-H year and received gold $1 coins from Randy and Linda Hedges. Nineteen volunteers were recognized at the event, and financial contributors whose combined donations totaled more than $25,000 this past year were also honored.
Junior 4-H members (grades 4-6 last year) who submitted record books and received awards of excellence were Elizabeth Allen, Conner Allender, Avery Bardole, Chloe Berns, Nathan Black, Hannah Curtis, Ashlyn Frederick, Brian Hardaway, Aubrey Heupel, Amie Schroeder and Justin Stream.
Juniors receiving awards of merit were Madison Brincks and Eliot Schilling.
Record keeping recognition was given to Kassie Lamoureux, Kirsten Lamoureux, Tyler Miller, Katie Minnehan, Karissa Stephenson, Annie Twillie and Caden Wilson.
Nathan Black and Justin Steam received awards for outstanding first year junior record keeping. Honorable mention firs year record keeping awards went to Eliot Schilling and Amie Schroeder.
Elizabeth Allen, Chloe Berns, Karissa Stephenson, and Annie Twillie were recognized for outstanding second and third year junior record keeping.
Avery Bardole, Hannah Curtis, Ashlyn Frederick, Brian Hardaway, and Aubrey Heupel received honorable mention recognition.
4-H Junior Spark Awards for displaying excitement for 4-H and a positive attitude were given to Conner Allender and Ashlyn Frederick.
Junior project awards were presented as follows: Elizabeth Allen (beef), Conner Allender (dog, horse & pony, and poultry), Avery Bardole (food & nutrition, sewing & needle arts, and woodworking), Chloe Berns (swine and photography), Hannah Curtis (clothing & fashion, home improvement, and sewing & needle arts ), Ashlyn Frederick (beef, clothing & fashion, food & nutrition, and sewing & needle arts), and Brian Hardaway (sheep and sewing & needle arts).

Junior 4-H members present Sunday were (front, from left) Nathan Black and Eliot Schilling; (middle, from left) Ashlyn Frederick, Hannah Curtis, Conner Allender, Karissa Stephenson, Chloe Berns and Madison Brincks; and (back, from left) Brian Hardaway, Avery Bardole, Annie Twillie, Elizabeth Allen and Aubrey Heupel.
Intermediate 4-H members (grades 7-8 last year) receiving awards of excellence for their record keeping systems were Brock Badger, Arthur Bardole, Jake Berns, Gwen Black, Megan Brincks, Emily Finch, Haley Hall, Samantha Hardaway, Immanuel Jubell, Jared Marshall, Kara Reed and Joe Towers.
Outstanding intermediate record keeping awards went to Arthur Bardole, Haley Hall and Jared Marshall. Honorable mention intermediate record keeping awards went to Brock Badger, Jake Berns, Gwen Black, Samantha Hardaway, Immanuel Jubell, and Joe Towers.
Intermediates receiving recognition for turning in record systems for review were Austin Delp, Onica Delp, Regan Lamoureux, Emma Larson, Charlie Minnehan and Brock Wuebker.
Gwen Black was honored as the Outstanding Intermediate 4-H member.
Intermediate project awards were presented as follows: Brock Badger (shooting sports), Arthur Bardole (photography, citizenship, and science, technology, & engineering) Jake Berns (swine), Gwen Black (photography, clothing & fashion, food & nutrition, communication, and woodworking), Emily Finch (sewing & needle arts), Samantha Hardaway (citizenship) Immanuel Jubell (rabbit, sheep, and sewing & needle arts), and Jared Marshall (home improvement).

Intermediate 4-H members present Sunday were (front, from left) Arthur Bardole, Jared Marshall and Haley Hall; (middle, from left), Brock Badger, Samantha Hardaway, Gwen Black and Immanuel Jubell; and (back, from left), Megan Brincks, Kara Reed, Isaiah Losee, Emily Finch and Emma Larson.
Senior 4-H members (grades 9-12 last year) who submitted record keeping systems and received awards of excellence were Abby Badger, Cassidy Carstens, Lucas Fisher, Bailey Godwin, Emily Heupel, Kara Schroeder and Jamie Theulen. David Dideriksen received an award of merit.
Outstanding senior record keeping awards were presented to Abby Badger, Lucas Fisher and Emily Heupel. Honorable mention senior record keeping awards went to Cassidy Carstens, David Dideriksen, Bailey Godwin, Kara Schroeder, and Jamie Theulen.
Other seniors who turned in record keeping systems for evaluation were Tabatha Consier, Wyatt Klocksiem, Kasey Lane, Reilly Niles and Wade Wuebker.
Major Life Skills awards were presented to Bailey Godwin for overall merit and overall record keeping. She is pictured (left) with Outstanding Intermediate Gwen Black and Greene County youth and 4-H coordinator Sarah Jo Reynolds.
Senior project awards were earned as follows: Lucas Fisher (poultry and communication), Bailey Godwin (horse & pony, photography, and horticulture), Jamie Theulen (rabbit, consumer management, sewing & needle arts, and woodworking).

Senior 4-H members present Sunday were (front, from left) Cassidy Carstens, Bailey Godwin and David Dideriksen; and (back, from left) Lucas Fisher, Abby Badger, Emily Heupel, Kasey Lane and Reilly Niles.
Several other awards were presented. The Cose Horse 4-H Club won the $100 Roger Clause Memorial Herdsmanship Award for members’ efforts at the 2014 Greene County Fair.
The Greenbrier 4-H Club was recognized for donating $2 per member to the Iowa 4-H Foundation in the 4-Hers for 4-H fund drive.
Awards of the Clover are presented to volunteers as they hit 5-year milestones of service. Receiving an Award of the Clover for five years of service were Chan Burkett, Susan Burkett, Kirk Citurs, Jim Funcke , Steve Haupert, Sindee Heaning, Julie Larson, Jennifer Miller, Kelley Muir, Craig Peterson, Lesa Seil and Dan Towers, Mike Minnehan was honored for 15 years of service and Linda Hedges and Steve Karber were honored for 25 years of service to Greene County 4-H.
Doug Hawn was inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame at the Iowa State Fair. He was recognized Sunday.

4-H Alumni Awards were presented to David Higgins and Wendy Mount. Verle Bennett received an honorary 4-H award.

Home State Bank, Raccoon Valley Radio – KG98, and Michael Cooley were saluted as Friends of 4-H. Tori Riley of GreeneCountyNewsOnline received a meritorious service award.
Adults who were present to accept awards Sunday were (from left) Julie Larson, Sindee Heaning, Jennifer Miller, Linda Hedges, Ben Yoder of Home State Bank, Coltrane Carlson of Raccoon Valley Radio, Tori Riley of GreeneCountyNewsOnline, and departing Greene County Extension coordinator Michael Cooley.
Financial contributions to the Greene County 4-H Foundation were noted: Open Class superintendents People’s Choice quilt block fundraiser (4-H $100 Club), Denny Lautner (4-H $100 Club), Greene County Farm Bureau (4-H $100 Club), Ken Schmitt of Farmers National Company (4-H $1,000 Club), and Clover Café ($10,000 donation).
Other 4-H donors recognized were Greene County Environmental Habitat Corporation, Hawn Family Farms, Heartland Co-op of Rippey and Rueter’s Red Power for donating a total of $3,540 to reduce 4-H registration fees for all Greene County 4-H members. Home State Bank was thanked for sponsoring 4-H T-shirts for local 4-H members at a cost of $1,600, Applegate Livestock Equipment was thanked for giving a livestock tank to every junior 4-H member who exhibited livestock at the county fair, and the Greene County 4-H Foundation was thanked for providing $4,574.50 in 4-H Conference/trip/camp scholarships.
For more information about Greene County Extension, including other 4-H and youth development programming, visit
The awards program was planned and hosted by the 4-H Young Leaders and the youth development committee. Young Leaders members are Kara Betts, Gwen Black, Cassidy Carstens, David Dideriksen, Emily Finch, Wyatt Funcke, Bailey Godwin, Noelle Gray, Hannah Gunn, Emily Heupel, Ashley Kuhl, Kasey Lane, Jared Marshall, Reilly Niles, Sarah Sandage and Wade Wuebker.
Members of the youth development committee are Mason and Susan Burkett, Cassidy Carstens, Danille Curtis, Susan Fray, Michele Hardin, Linda Hedges, Kristen Heupel, Billie Jo Hoskins, Shari Minnehan, Kelley Muir, Melissa Schilling, Mary Jo St Clair, Jenny, Jolee and Taylor Wessling, Michael Cooley and Sarah Jo Reynolds.