Supervisors abate property taxes for Sierra Community Theatre

Sierra Community TheatreThe Greene County board of supervisors at its Oct. 27 meeting approved abating current year property taxes of $3,278 on the Sierra Community Theatre. The theatre board has obtained non-profit status, but because property taxes are paid in arrears, taxes were owed for the year ending June 30, 2013.

Jim Daubendiek, president of the SCT board, explained to the supervisors that the board has funds for capital improvements that were garnered through fundraising, with some pledges still outstanding. The operating budget, which is covered through admissions and concessions, is set up to break even. Daubendiek said the theatre did break even in its first year but has fallen short in its second year. He said attendance at the theatre has declined, just as theatre attendance across the country has. “Income is down and expenses are up, so we’re in a negative position on operations,” he said.

Karen Voge-Perkins spoke in support of the request to abate the taxes. “We’ve seen a groundswell of support to get this organization up and going. I think they’ve done everything right,” Voge-Perkins said.  “I think this is a county treasure, and not often would you be asked to support such a group that has the potential to serve our elderly, our children, our families, in such a responsible way as the board of directors has done.”

“I see this as an opportunity to give this board of directors and the community of Greene a pat on the back for a job well done and encouragement to continue,” she concluded.

The vote was unanimous to approve the abatement. It will affect the tax funds received by other taxing bodies, including the city of Jefferson and the Greene County schools.


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