“The Music Man” is coming soon to a school theater near you

Music Man principlesThe Greene County High School music department is putting finishing touches on its version of River City, Iowa, this week, preparing for the day Professor Harold Hill steps off the train to save the town’s young people from the moral perils of playing pool with a boys’ band. A traditional favorite, Meredith Willson’s “The Music Man” will be on stage this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 2 pm at the school auditorium.

Pictured are (seated, from left) Victoria Sims (Marian “The Librarian” Paroo) and Hannah Promes (Mrs Paroo); and (standing, from left) Parker Willis (Harold HIll), Wyatt Funcke (Mayor Shinn), Annie Palmer (Eulalie McKeckney Shinn), and members of the school board Jarrett Delp, Noah Eberle, Michael Kennedy and David Petersen.

Tickets are available at Home State Bank and Peoples Trust & Savings Bank in Jefferson, at the high school office, or at the door. The Friday performance will be preceded by a potato bar dinner hosted by the National Honor Society as a fundraiser.


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