Kiwanis plans auction of services, pancake breakfast

KiwanisThe Jefferson Kiwanis Club will  hold a silent  auction of services, offering professional services ranging from assistance with QuickBooks to carpentry, and help with chores like fall yard work. Bidding will be open from Oct. 6 through Oct. 24 in the south foyer of the courthouse, and Saturday, Oct. 25, at the Elks lodge in conjunction with the annual pancake breakfast. Bidding will end Oct. 25 at 11 am.

The Kiwanis Club will serve its 42nd annual pancake breakfast Oct. 25, with serving from 6 to 11 am at the Elks lodge.  The breakfast will include the Kiwanis’ special recipe all-you-can-eat pancakes with warm fruit toppings and syrup, scrambled eggs, link sausages, biscuits and gravy, and beverages. The cost of the breakfast is $7 for adults and $2 for those under 10 years of age. The proceeds of these events will help the Kiwanis service projects for the betterment of the community and the children of the world.

Everyone is encouraged to bid on the services being auctioned by the Kiwanis members and friends as well as attend the pancake breakfast.

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