The Jefferson tree committee has again received funding from Alliant Energy through the utility’s Branching Out program, administered in Iowa by Trees Forever.
According to Brad Riphagen, Trees Forever field coordinator and a local volunteer with the tree committee, the 25 trees will replace trees the committee has planted in recent years that did not survive. Trees will be replaced on N. Maple St north and south of the railroad tracks, on the south side of the Jefferson municipal cemetery, and on N. Vine St east of the overpass.
Persons who would like to help plant and care for the trees can call Riphagen at 515-370-1291 or Trees Forever at 1-800-369-1269, ext. 110.
According to Alliant Energy, planting trees can reduce energy use by creating shade that cools the air and buildings, and by blocking cold winds. Trees also provide long-term health, economic, social and environmental benefits to the community.
“Trees Forever and Alliant Energy are very excited to support this project, as we know it will provide years and years of beauty and benefits to the community,” said Shannon Ramsay, Trees Forever founding president. “We want to thank our local volunteers for their hard work and their dedication to improving the environment and quality of life in Jefferson. Together, we are planting a better tomorrow.”
Trees Forever administers the Branching Out program throughout Iowa, providing technical and planning support to participating communities. Alliant Energy funds the program and provides project grants to the communities.
This fall Branching Out will award more than $100,000 in grants to assist 23 Iowa communities and groups with tree-planting projects. Jefferson will receive $2,000 for its tree-planting project. “We’re proud to help our communities take action to have a positive impact on the environment,” said Doug Kopp, president of Alliant Energy’s Iowa utility. “Since Branching Out began in 1990, the trees have sequestered more than 116 million pounds of carbon, and saved more than 15 million kilowatt-hours of energy.” If you would like to volunteer to help plant and care for the trees in Jefferson, call Brad Riphagen at (515) 370-1291 or Trees Forever at 1-800-369-1269, ext. 110. Branching Out grant applications are accepted throughout the year, but are considered for funding during two grant-making cycles (spring and fall). The next application deadline is Nov. 1 for spring 2015 projects, with award recipients announced in January. For more information, call Trees Forever at the number listed above, visit alliantenergy.com/branchingout or treesforever.org.