Poetry Out Loud Sunday afternoon

Folks who love words and/or poetry will enjoy Poetry Out Loud at the historical museum this afternoon, Sunday, at 2:30. The Historical Society is putting together a coffee house setting as original poetry by a dozen Greene County is shared by the poets and a few guest readers.

Poems of the late Mar Smith and the late Diane Foster will start the afternoon. The poets are honored to have Diane’s granddaughter Nicole Foster Timmons read her poem. Nicole told the poets that her grandmother shared many of her poems with her, and that as she reads them now, she can hear her grandmother’s voice.

Tanka for Poetry Out LoudThere will also be poetry written by Lou Blanchfield, Lorene Conner, Kathy Hankel, Chris Henning, Bev Lehman, Colleen O’Brien, Karen Voge-Perkins, Teena Toliver, Tori Riley and Hollie Roberts. Mikki Schwarzkopf will be emcee. The sneak preview at the right is a tanka by Tori Riley.

Dennis Maulsby of Ames, president of the Iowa Poetry Association,  plans to attend and will make brief remarks.

There is no admission charge, but hats will be passed for the Historical Society. Coffee and brownies will be served.


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