Heroes Dinner celebrates 140 hometown heroes

Elks Heroes dinner groupElks Lodge 2306 of Jefferson served 140 local heroes at its third annual Patriot’s Day Heroes Dinner. Honored guests were active duty military personnel, military veterans, law enforcement officers, volunteer firemen and emergency medical personnel.

The Elks were assisted in the kitchen by the Does. Past exalted ruler Jerry Roberts served as master of ceremonies.

Maj Gen Timothy Orr
Maj Gen Timothy Orr

Guest speaker for the evening was Maj Gen Timothy Orr of the Iowa National Guard. In his opening, Orr said, “We’ve lost a lot of brave men and women in the last 12 or 13 years, and I can tell you this county has suffered more than others. You’ve lost two. I think it’s only fitting that we keep in our thoughts and prayers Lance Corporal Ben Carman and Captain Matthew Nielson. These are the folks we’ll never forget.”

He noted that Congress has named Sept. 11 both as Patriot’s Day and as a national day of service and remembrance. “Both these days were made to honor, to pause and reflect, and to remember all those who perished in the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Both days are also a reminder to all Americans that we must live up to the selfless examples of those heroes, who gave of themselves in the face of such great evil,” he said.

“Our goal is to beat terrorists who desire to destroy what we Americans and our citizens stand for, the peace, the freedom, the tolerance, the respect for human life and liberty,” Orr said. “For over 13 years this nation has taken on an enormous effort to prevent and destroy terrorist groups from spreading their bloodshed of hatred and intolerance to America. Understand, this War on Terrorism is not going to end tomorrow. It’s not going to end next week. It will continue to be a hard, long struggle. It’s going to take patience, commitment, for some time to come. But make no doubt about it, we’re winning this war.”

He called the law officers, firemen and EMTs “the local hometown heroes.” “You’re visible. You’re present, every day in every way. You’re out on the streets in your communities…. You all are the role models for your community. You are the heroes in your communities.”

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