Time for an empty nester’s favorite comfort food…

With the weather turning cool again, it’s time to move comfort food to the front of the recipe box.

Beanie Bake 3There are many names and many versions of meaty bean casserole- Three Bean Casserole, Calico Beans, Hobo Beans. In the Riley household, it’s called Beanie Bake. It is a family un-favorite dish, prepared only occasionally over the years as children threatened to run away from home if they saw it on the table.

But, one of the many advantages of having an empty nest is that Mama Bird doesn’t have to worry about what worms she brings home to the young ones. She can pick her favorite without listening to hungry birds chirp, chirp, chirping. That makes Mama Bird hap, hap, happy!

For GreeneCountyNewsOnline editor Tori Riley’s most favorite un-favorite recipe, click here: Beany Bake

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