July starts with puddles

July began in Jefferson with plenty of puddles after more than 3-1/2 inches of rain fell during the last four days of June. Rainfall for the month was a few drops more than 8 inches, according to volunteer weather observer John Beltz. With the Greene County Fair slated to start next Tuesday, there was plenty of water at the fairgrounds.…

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Holiday hours told for Community Center, pool

The Greene County Community Center will be closed all day and the Jefferson municipal pool will have shortened hours Friday, July 4, so staff can enjoy the holiday with family and friends. The pool will open at 11:30 am for adult lap swim and have open swim from 1 to 4 pm. The pool will resume regular hours Saturday, with…

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A worthy woman

 ~ a column by Colleen O’Brien It was 1964. She was between her junior and senior years at Drake when she told her parents she had signed up to travel south to the Mississippi Summer Project. She would be gone for a month. Right before she left, the news of three missing young men was all over the media; these…

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Greene County district court, week ending June 27

In a jury trial in Greene County district court, Jesse Lynn Crawford, 27, of Jamaica was found not guilty June 26 of assault-aggravated, burglary-first degree, and being a felon in possession of a fire arm. A judgment was entered against Crawford for $100 court costs. The Honorable William Ostlund presided over the trial. Disposition was entered June 27 against Thomas…

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Greene County escapes the worst of severe weather

Gov Branstad has issued proclamations of disaster emergency for 11 Iowa counties, including nearby Guthrie County, due to severe weather June 26-30, but Greene County had relatively little damage. Jefferson received 3.64 inches of rain, according to volunteer weather observer John Beltz. The highest wind gusts reported in Jefferson by KCCI’s SchoolNet observation system were 33 mph on Monday.

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Supper and the Town and Country Band

Area residents are invited to an evening in Churdan this Friday, the Fourth of July. The Churdan fire department will serve a fundraising supper in the Community Room from 5 to 7 pm. At 7, the Town and Country Band, under the direction of Dave Swaroff, will be in the gazebo in the city park, performing a concert of marches,…

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Medical Center Moment, June 2014

~by Carl Behne, June 26, 2014 Summer is here – and what a wonderful time of year. Everything is so green, crops are rapidly growing and so is Greene County When I drive by the future H-Vee property or out to the corner of Highway 4 and 30 where there is a “future site of” sign for the approved casino,…

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Greene County magistrate court, week ending June 27

In Greene County magistrate court a disposition was entered of a case initiated in district court against Jennifer Wendy Gohn Chavez of Jamaica. Gohn Chavez was charged with public intoxication-second offense. The charge was amended to public intoxication-first offense and a judgment was entered for time served. She must pay a $48 sheriff’s fee and $60 court costs. A case…

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Stay active with JPRD

The Jefferson park and recreation department has several programs coming up in July. For more information on any of the following programs or to register visit the Greene County Community Center, 204 West Harrison, or call 515-386-3412 Mini Cheerleading Camp – Monday, July 14 through Thursday, July 17, youngsters going into Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade will learn the fundamentals of…

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No nuisance ordinance for Greene County

The Greene County board of supervisors at its June 30 meeting said it would not pursue a nuisance ordinance in the foreseeable future. The board looked at a draft ordinance in June that would streamline the process of requiring property owners to clean up hazardous or unsightly properties. The supervisors, particularly those who have rural homes, expressed concern that an…

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