GreeneCountyNewsOnline columnist Colleen O’Brien shares the following in her column posted Wednesday: The Greene County Fair was once a carnival with cows. It’s now cows, no carney. Although the glitz is gone, the fair remains, and it’s worth a stroll through Clover Hall and the barns – the whole 4-H scene – because these 4-H’ers are smart, creative, hard-working and nice . . . such a combination in an era of bad-news teens if you are foolish enough to pay attention to the-world-is-going-to-hell media.
See the Opinion tab for her elaboration on the subject. The proof of what O’Brien writes about is in the following pictures. Enticed to tour Clover Hall? The exhibits will be in place until Sunday at 4 pm. (All photos by GreeneCountyNewsOnline)
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