Reservations requested by June 30
The Greene and Guthrie County Cattlemen’s Associations are combining their efforts to host a three day – two night tour for members and associates. Two buses are reserved to carry the beef producers on an educational trip covering two states on Aug. 1 – 3.

Plans are to leave the Greene and Guthrie County Fairgrounds at 11 am on Friday, Aug. 1, heading to Grand Meadows Feeders at Quimby where hoop systems used for housing cow/calf, feeder calves and finishing fat cattle will be viewed. A meal will be served at the Grand Meadows Heritage Center.
The group will stay overnight in Sioux City. Saturday’s tour includes Brett Lambert’s operation at Loup City, NE. Lamberts have a 1,000 head cow/calf operation near Kearney. They will provide the evening meal with overnight accommodations in Kearney.
Sunday morning the group will travel west on Interstate 80 to the site of Darth Feeders. Darth feeds almost 100,000 head of cattle yearly. They will serve a noon meal prior to the return to Iowa with arrival scheduled at the local fairgrounds about 6 pm.
The tour is limited to 94 persons due to bus capacity. Reservations for the 705-mile trip must be made by June 30 with Tom Heun at 515-370-0390 or Randy Hughes at 515-491-3720. A small fee is due and payable to reserve the bus and overnight accommodations.