Work progressing on Thomas Jefferson Gardens

TJ Gardens Turpin Orris 3Volunteers John Turpin (left) and Don Orris spent the early part of the week planting trees at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens southeast of the courthouse in Jefferson. Because the trees are tall enough to require a rather deep hole for planting, the pair found a challenge in digging through clay at the former commercial site.

Trees selected for the Garden are American elm, Autumn Gold ginko, red bud, a tulip tree, and an Autumn Brilliance serviceberry.

Lights were installed along the brick walkways last week. Once all the ornamentals are planted, grass seed will be put down. Orris said he hopes to have the seeding before the Bell Tower Festival, but the grass probably won’t be up.

The Thomas Jefferson Gardens will be dedicated Saturday, June 14, at 1:30 pm during the Bell Tower Festival. The Rotary pavilion inside the Gardens will be dedicated at 2 pm.


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