Letter to the editor

Dear Editor

I want to thank everyone involved in Relay For Life of Greene County for the super successful event held recently. So many businesses, organizations, teams, individuals and families donated and worked hard to reach the goal of over $50,000 to the American Cancer Society.

Why should we hold a Relay when the money doesn’t stay local? Currently eight research grants at a cost of $4.6 million are being funded through the ACS at the University of Iowa and Iowa State University. My mom participated in a study in 1986 as she was treated for breast cancer. When Dr. Joseph Rhoades, an oncologist in Ames and graduate of JHS, spoke at our Relay several years ago, he said breast cancer treatments are now individualized – not a one size fits all treatment as in years past. I’d like to think the study my mom participated in made a difference for my local friends battling cancer now. This is just one example of the use of these funds.

The up-to-date materials in our clinics and hospitals are published by the American Cancer Society. The 800.227.2345 phone number and www.cancer.org website can be accessed by all for resources, support and information. Please check these out and share with those needing it.

Greene County can be proud of our strong support for those fighting cancer both now and in the future. It is appreciated so much.

Thank you,

Peg Raney

Relay For Life of Greene County

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