Healthy Kids Day provides elementary fun for high school students

Red Rover, Red Rover, send Someone right over!
Red Rover, Red Rover, send Someone right over!

Greene County High School students stepped out of their regular routines Friday for Healthy Kids Day with special activities planned by students in the Skills for Healthy Living classes.

During morning classes, students were all treated to a healthy Energy Bite snack. Following a recipe of flax seed, coconut, oatmeal, peanut butter and chocolate chips, members of the class had made and wrapped 450 Energy Bites earlier in the week.

Bikes at school 2Students were encouraged to find a healthy way to get to school during the week, and particularly on Friday. Many students rode bicycles, with a few on tandems. One group  rode a four-seater bicycle, and Skills for Healthy Living teacher Deb Marquardt reported seeing a unicycleHealthy kids empty parking

Students who drove cars were encouraged to park in outlying lots and walk a bit further than usual to get to the building. Almost all students obliged.

A new version of Duck, Duck, Goose
A new version of Duck, Duck, Goose

Regular classes were shortened during the day Friday to give an hour at the end of the day for outdoor healthy play. The school grounds resembled an elementary playground as the students played “Red Rover,” various games of tag, and kickball.

Plenty of room for 4-square in an empty parking lot
Plenty of room for 4-square in an empty parking lot

There were ropes for tugs-of-war, hula hoops, sack races, and four square in the parking lot. Students also had an option of walking laps at Linduska Field, although most chose to play games.

Principal Brian Phillips was pleased with the student participation and said he hopes for a repeat of Healthy Kids Day next May.

Teacher Marquardt explained, “The class is about having a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy spirit. That’s what we’re working toward with Healthy Kids Day.”




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