Goodwill’s Ambassador trailer will receive donations in Jefferson from April 25 – May 1. Donations are to be placed in the Ambassador trailer located at the southwest corner of the United Methodist Church parking lot.
Read MoreMonth: April 2014
Linda, Randy Hedges attend 4-H leadership forum
Persons who have a goal (using a 4-H term) of learning what’s new and exciting in 4-H or how to enhance their 4-H experience and club may want to attend a regional 4-H forum. That is what Linda and Randy Hedges of Greenbrier Township did when they attended the 2014 Western Regional Leadership Forum in Billings, MT, March 27-30. In attendance were 350 4-H…
Read MoreEmerald ash borer informational meetings slated for April 28
Greene County Extension and Outreach and the Jefferson tree committee are bringing two meetings about the emerald ash borer to Greene County on April 28. One meeting targets the general public, and a second specialized meeting targets elected officials and public/municipal employees in the county.
Read MoreCrop and weather summary for week ending Sunday at 7 am
Weekend rains were welcomed by Iowa farmers. “The rains that much of the state saw this weekend were generally welcomed as it is still early. The northwest corner did miss much of the rain and remain in need of moisture. If it warms up and fields dry, farmers will be ready to start planting,” Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey…
Read MoreWater main work under way
Work in in progress this week on replacing an existing water main on N. Wilson between Adams and McKinley Street in Jefferson. The project is a preliminary step toward the construction of a Hy-Vee grocery store slated to begin in late summer or early fall. King Construction of Wall Lake had the low bid on the project. According to Jefferson…
Read MoreHarding – Ten Napel
Sam and Rhonda Harding of Jefferson and Jeff and Connie Ten Napel of Sibley, formerly of Jefferson, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their children, Amanda Harding and Travis Ten Napel. Amanda graduated from Jefferson-Scranton High School in 2010 and from the University of Iowa with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology in 2013. She is a graduate student…
Read MoreVice president of medical affairs hired at medical center
Greene County Medical Center chief executive officer Carl Behne announced that after approval by the board of trustees at its February meeting, the medical center has hired a part-time vice president of medical affairs (VPMA). Dr Jon Van Der Veer began in that position April 9. In this administrative position, Van Der Veer will monitor current medical center care practices, as…
Read MoreMany volunteers at Relay for Life
Many hours, many volunteers needed for local Relay for Life event The Greene County Relay for Life Committee has been working diligently for months to ensure the success of the April 26th event. Some of the 30 committee members are shown here at a recent planning meeting. They are: (Front Row L-R) Relay for Life Chairperson Peg Raney, Rosalee Severson,…
Read MoreAuxiliary continues to help medical center with equipment purchases
The Greene County Medical Center auxiliary purchases equipment on an ongoing basis for medical center service departments. Most recent purchases include an obstetrics blanket warmer and a bilirubin infant blood testing machine for the New Beginnings Birth Center; a blood glucose monitoring laptop for Diabetes Management; and an EKG machine for Respiratory Therapy.
Read MoreSchool board the target for persuasive letters from fourth graders
Jefferson-Scranton fourth graders in Mrs Connie Hoffman’s class will likely never forget the unit they did in persuasive writing. They not only wrote letters, they received answers, and even a visit from school board president Sam Harding and superintendent Tim Christensen.
Read MoreGreene County scouts donate to PAWS
Youngsters in Girl Scout Troop 462 and Cub Scout Pack 534 visited the Greene County Animal Shelter Saturday, April 5. The didn’t go empty handed, but took along several bags and boxes of dog and cat food, treats and toys for the animals there. The scouts ranged in age from kindergarten through 8th grade. They, along with some of their parents, also…
Read MoreNHS Stompers sell and deliver a lot of ham balls for a good cause
Greene County High School’s NHS Stompers Relay for Life team rallied the help of other students, teachers, and the community in an Iowa-style take-out ham ball lunch Wednesday to raise funds for the Relay.
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