Scranton city council notes

With the many improvements made to the Scranton Community Center in the past year, new rental rates were approved by the Scranton city council at its April 8 meeting.

The former school lunchroom and gymnasium has been spruced up and given a face lift thanks to the donations of time and money from volunteers plus some grant funding.

Two rate schedules were established for private individuals and business as well as non-profit or public entities. Private rental rates are: one-half day (four hours) gym $100; full day gym (four-plus hours) $200; lunchroom/kitchen $75, and city hall council chambers / meeting room $75.

For non-profit groups, the rates are: one-half day (four hours) gym $50; full day gym (four-plus hours) $100; lunchroom/kitchen $50, and city hall council chambers / meeting room $50.

Linda Hoyt presented the monthly library report. She discussed grant awards and Kids Fest and provided a building update. The estimated completion date is the first week of June.

Dee Jay Byerly gave the monthly maintenance report. The water department passed the test for arsenic levels in the city water. Other points of interest were snow fence, street sweeping, jetting, road work and patching, meter repairs, no parking signs and prepping the mowers.

The street committee reported on planned work and the need to discuss road repairs by the service tracks with the railroad and West Central Coop.

Mayor Rod Walker updated the council on the Community Center progress. He discussed grant awards, March Madness success, banner sales and the gym lighting project. Alliant Energy has approved a custom rebate to the city for the lighting project in the amount of $1,357. The city council approved a contribution of $1,500 toward the project to be considered as matching funds.

Other business discussed included mosquito spraying, spring clean up and nuisance abatements.

The next regular meeting of the council is May 13. The agenda includes a public hearing to amend the 2013-14 budget.   ~The Scranton Journal

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