Inpatients at Greene County Medical Center are now being offered individualized room service for their breakfast meal. Previously, a standardized meal time was followed for all patients. The new room service concept allows for patients to order from a full breakfast menu when they are ready to eat – any time between 6 and 10 am.

The recent change was made to accommodate the different early morning schedules of patients. Whether they are trying to get extra sleep or they have early morning therapy or lab work scheduled, changing the way patients receive breakfast has led to a meal that can be enjoyed rather than disrupt patient care. Allie Hamilton, RN, reports, “It’s great. Patients get to eat earlier or later depending on their schedule.”
Staff from many service areas have worked together to coordinate care in the morning hours to make sure a patient’s breakfast preference times can be accommodated. When a patient orders his or her breakfast, it is prepared and delivered by a member of the nutritional services staff.
The system is working well for all involved. Amy Becker, director of nutritional services, noted, “I have heard good comments about the selections on the breakfast menu,” which includes a full array of entrees (eggs, pancakes and omelets), cold or hot cereals, side dishes (bacon and sausage) and many beverage options. Allowing the patient to choose, often with the help of his or her CNA or RN, leads to better patient satisfaction and coordinated care.
Future plans include offering this personal room service for all three daily meals.
Photo Caption: Greene County Medical Center cook Keisha Kopecky takes a patient’s breakfast order recently.