More talk on Home Base Iowa signage

Greene County will go ahead and deal with the road signs designating the county as an Iowa Home Base community as Greene County Development director Ken Paxton requested last week.

After Paxton made his request last week that the county pay for six signs at a cost of $46 each, the board of supervisors and engineer Wade Weiss figured additional costs, primarily sign posts, would bring the total cost for the project to nearly $4,000.

At the April 7 meeting, though Weiss said the Home Base Iowa signs could be mounted on the posts holding the existing signs marking each town. He provided a cost of about $730 for 16 signs. The supervisors, though, discussed whether signs should be placed at each town, or on state highways as they enter Greene County. “After all, it’s the whole county that’s a Home Base Iowa community, not just individual towns,” supervisor Dawn Rudolph said.

In the end, by concensus the supervisors decided the county would take care of signage rather than referring it back to Greene County Development Corp. “The county will do it as the county sees fit,” said supervisor Guy Richardson, who is also an ex officio member of the GCDC board.

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