Greene County 4-H dog project members raise funds

Meeting slated April 13 to organize  for county fair New agility equipment and helping pay for county fair awards were goals for the participants in the Greene County 4-H dog project. To raise funds, the group sold “Best In Show” dog, cat, and horse treats to family and friends in the Greene County community. Youngsters raised enough money to buy one competition tunnel…

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State auditor releases Greene County info

Auditor of State Mary Mosiman on March 4 released the annual audit report on Greene County. The county had local tax revenue of $18,720,473 for the year ended June 30, 2013, which included $947,843 in tax credits from the state.  The county forwarded $13,399,466 of  the local tax revenue to the townships, school districts, cities and other taxing bodies in the  county.

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Pythons removed from rural home

 No charges of cruelty will be pursued The Greene County sheriff’s office deals more often with cattle on the roadway and dogs running at large than with what Sheriff Steve Haupert and deputy Kirk Hammer took care of Monday. They helped remove about 100 ball pythons from a rural Grand Junction residence when it was determined the snakes were not…

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Birthday open house

Happy 65th birthday, Big John! John Meyer will celebrate his 65th birthday at an open house Saturday, March 15, from 1:30 to 4 pm at the Greene County Community Center. John requests no gifts, please, but the good wishes of friends and acquaintances.

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Welcome to Good News!

Welcome to GreeneCountyNewsOnline’s newest page, the Good News page. Good News will update most Sundays with posts that will lift your spirits and perhaps make you smile about the good things that happen in and around Greene County. This page belongs to you, the readers of GreeneCountyNewsOnline. Feel free to submit good news you’d like to share.

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Sticky business at church

The congregations of Central Christian and Christ Lutheran Churches in Jefferson broke up the winter doldrums last month as they stuck it to each other in some friendly rivalry. The result: 738 glue sticks for local children in need. Pastor Bill Bernau of Christ Lutheran initiated the challenge when Adopt-A-Family asked for 650 glue sticks to help youngsters stick to their…

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Oh, the weather!

The winter of 2013-14 seems to be like a famous bunny that just keeps going, and going, and going, with the first day of March one of the most wintry days yet. The high temperature in Jefferson, according to KCCI SchoolNet weather data was only 17, and the low temperature was -2 degrees. SchoolNet didn’t report the snow, which very…

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A bit of spring arrived!

A bit of spring arrived last week with the delivery of daffodils. Three Relay for Life teams –Cancer Crusaders, NHS Stompers and WOW– sold 300 bunches of the springtime blooms. The annual fundraiser was facilitated this year by Katie Richardson and Fudge’s Flower Shop. The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Greene County is slated for April 26 with…

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Give credit where credit is due

Last weekend’s production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music,” presented by the Community Players of Greene County, was as good as small town community theatre gets. I had a unique vantage point from the nun’s chorus at Nonnberg Abbey. I loved every minute I spent listening and watching rehearsals in the weeks preceding the show. The folks not seen…

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Gracias, danke, merci beaucoup

Thank you to the unknown person or persons who shoveled snow from my sidewalk Sunday morning, March 2! I was dreading the -30 windchill as I put on coat and boots, but then I looked out and saw the job was finished! What could start my week better than that?   ~Tori Riley, Jefferson (Readers, you’re welcome to submit your notes…

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