Farm Bureau donates groceries to food pantry

Greene County Farm Bureau recently donated a grocery cart full of groceries to the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center in Jefferson. The groceries were purchased at the Fareway store in Jefferson to commemorate National Food Check-out Week Feb. 16 – 22.  The cart full of groceries had been on display at the grocery store during the week where shoppers had…

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Increased traffic enforcement March 14-17

The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau  reminds the motoring public that speed is your enemy not only during the cold weather months but throughout the year.  Far too often the driver who is hurrying to get to work, going to the grocery store or traveling to an out of town destination can’t react fast enough to a situation and a crash…

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Branstad, Reynolds in Jefferson Thursday

The public is invited to welcome Gov Terry Branstad and Lt Gov Kim Reynolds when they come to Jefferson Thursday to announce that Jefferson and Greene County are the first Home Base Iowa Community. With them will be Maj. General Timothy Orr of the Iowa National Guard. The announcement will be made in the showroom at AAI on Highway 30…

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Potato bar supper in Churdan Sunday

The Churdan Public Library will host a St Patrick’s Day potato bar supper next Sunday, March 16, from 5 to 7 pm at the Churdan Community Room. There will be a baked potato bar with all the trimmings, hot dogs, loose meat sandwiches and desserts. Proceeds will to toward operating expenses for library programming, utilities, computers and books. Free will donations…

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Take steps to prevent theft, police chief says

Jefferson police chief Dave Morlan cautions residents not to leave valuables in an unlocked vehicle and not to leave keys in the ignitions of unlocked cars. Morlan reported that with the warmer weather there already has been an increase in vehicle thefts and two reports of vehicles taken without the owner’s consent and returned to where they were taken. The…

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County Day at the Capitol

WEST DES MOINES – County officials and employees from across the state will travel to Des Moines on Wednesday, March 12, for the sixth annual County Day at the Capitol hosted by the Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC). The event will give county officials and employees the opportunity to be involved in the legislative process by promoting legislation that is…

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Robins are here….It must be spring?

Robins were plentiful in Jefferson this past week, a sure sign of spring…..or so most of us think. It’s a small disappointment to learn that robins aren’t any more a harbinger of spring than a disappearing groundhog on Feb. 2 is a harbinger of six more weeks of winter. Folks who really know birds know that not all robins migrate; some stay…

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Time to ‘spring ahead’

Does anybody really know what time it is? Did you remember to “spring ahead” for Daylight Savings Time? Yawn. We all missed an hour of sleep Saturday night, and we don’t get to reclaim it until November. We’ll complain a little. We’ll be a little less productive at work Monday, claiming fatigue.

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