Daddy Daughter Dance a success; Mother Son Date Night up next

Image 13The Jefferson park and recreation department’s Daddy Daughter Dance has become one of the biggest events of the winter. This year more than 100 “couples,” about 25 with a second sweetheart, danced to the music of Musical Edge Sound and Lighting Design.

“The dance was once again a success.  It’s so much fun to see the energy of all that attend.  They make it a fun night for everyone involved,” said Libby Towers, park and rec assistant director.

Mothers and sons get their turn with a Mother Son Date Night Friday, March 14.  Pizza and bingo with prizes for boys will start the fun at 6 pm.  Following there will be games and free play time for dates.  The evening will wrap up at 8:30 pm.  Registration is requested by March 5 to help in planning.

GreeneCountyNewsOnline would gladly post more Daddy Daughter Dance pictures. Email to

Olivia Sebourn won one of many door prizes.
Olivia Sebourn won one of many door prizes.

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