Register online for Relay for Life

Greene County’s Relay for Life teams can now register for the upcoming April 26 event which will be held at the Greene County Community Center in Jefferson. A new twist this year is that all registrations are to be completed online at at any computer. (A link is available with GreeneCountyNewsOnline either by clicking on the highlighted text and as a sponsored link.) The deadline for registration is March 7. 

For those who are unfamiliar with or who do not have access to a computer, the Jefferson Public Library has generously offered the library’s computers for that purpose, with trained librarians available to help as needed. Other libraries in the county will also be offering this service.

photoThe team recruitment committee met recently with Jefferson librarians to guide them through the online registration process. (Shown above L to R seated: librarians Jane Millard and Lorene Hemping. Standing: committee members Jane Nelson and Kathy Morain.) What they discovered was that the sign-in is hassle-free, with step-by-step clear instructions.  The only potentially surprising information requested was T-shirt size, which is necessary since all timely registrants receive a specially designed T-shirt for participating in the event.

Registration help is available at the library during its regular open hours, and can be done individually or by a captain for several members of the team.

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