Coffee with medical center CEO continues in 2014

Greene County Medical Center CEO Carl Behne will continue his “Coffee with Carl” discussions with the public in 2014 with scheduled stops in Churdan, Grand Junction and Jefferson.  Coffees in Rippey, Paton and Scranton occurred in late 2013.

The Churdan coffee is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 2:30 pm at the Community Center.  The public is encouraged to attend this informal event where coffee and cookies will be provided.

Behne said, “These public events have been a wonderful opportunity for me to meet folks throughout the county, share medical center news and answer questions.”  Behne will give an update on the expansion and renovation plans, as well as what is needed to be a successful county hospital.  There will be plenty of time for questions and answers during the hour-long coffee.

“Coffee with Carl” is an event that started in December 2012 to give medical center employees an opportunity to visit with their CEO in a small group setting.  Each month, 10 employees are randomly selected and invited to join Behne for coffee, where they can ask questions relevant to their department or job.  It also gives Behne an opportunity to provide medical center updates.

When a comment from a recent feasibility study interview suggested Behne visit communities throughout the county to share medical center news with the general public, it was natural to use the “Coffee with Carl” idea and take it to the Greene County communities.

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