Sheriff Haupert supports ISSDA memberships

Responding to the increasing number of people wanting to assist law enforcement officials and build a stronger partnership in the fight against crime, Greene County sheriff  Steve Haupert announced Jan. 13 that Greene county citizens will receive their renewal membership as an honorary member of the Iowa State Sheriffs & Deputies Association.

Memberships will go out in the mail shortly to those citizens who have supported this program in previous years.  The funding provides critical training for the sheriff’s office, as well as helping the Iowa Special Olympics and sending a deserving youth to a week-long YMCA camp in Boone.

Contributions are tax-deductible and memberships are not solicited by telephone.

“The funding is vital to helping us carry out our mission of making our communities safer places to live, work and play,” Haupert said.

If you’re not a current member and would like to join, I encourage residents to contact the Iowa State Sheriffs and Deputies by reviewing their website at, and navigate to the ‘Honorary Member’ tab or send an email to,” Haupert said. “Thank you for your support.”

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