Hotdogs by candlelight

When our children were small, the Christmas Eve meal after church was a challenge. What dish would satisfy three little ones who didn’t want the oh so traditional oyster stew? It had to be prepared quickly, since they were hungry after the 5:30 service. It should also be a special meal…somehow. Like most young’uns, they had a favorite food that they didn’t get very often. Hmmmm.

I had it! Hot dogs! Ah, hot dogs (they all loved ’em), and red jello in a fancy mold (festive). An air of mystery was achieved by using no electric lights, only candles on the table. Their eyes grew round at the sight of the candle flames, which soothed their pre-Santa frenzy.

For years this was our Christmas Eve tradition, and the candles provided a hush to the room. Now their tastes have changed, but we still have a candlelight dinner, even if it’s only canned soup.

~Mikki Scharzkopf, Jefferson

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