A Judy Marie night

The year must have been 1953 or 1954. As I lay in my bed trying so hard to go to sleep I heard the bells… THE bells! Jingle, jingle, jingle. My heart was pounding with excitement. Santa was here!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. I remember the night was crisp and clear. So crisp and cold that the sky looked like it was pitted with diamonds. I looked and looked but no reindeer….no Santa.

Disappointed, I climbed back in bed and told myself that he had to be out there or maybe already in here. I lay as quiet as could be listening so hard that I could hear every litte sound. Then! I heard it! Voices! Santa must have his elves with him.

I couldn’t stand it any longer and my feed automatically touched the cold, wooden floor. I looked both ways as I sneaked out of my room just in case my brother or Mom was still awake. I tiptoed my way down the stairs to the first landing. Just as I mustered up enough courage to peek around the corner, I felt a hand on my shoulder. So surprised was I that it was amazing I didn’t roll down the stairs and land at Santa’s feet. Geez, Mom! I was just 10!

Needless to say, I was turned around and “helped” back to bed. When I was in trouble, my mother always called me Judy Marie. Well, let me tell you, it was definitely a “Judy Marie” night.

Although the Judy Marie thing had cooled my excitement down a bit, I closed my eyes knowing that Santa was near and all would be wonderful in the morning. And,, I swear I heard him say “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.” Geez, I just love Santa!

~Judy Wills, Jefferson

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